
OPEN 07.06 18:30 GMT+2:


CS info

16 / 06 / 2024

Good afternoon everyone, I have received several questions regarding the siege!
For those who don’t know, our siege is cumulative according to the registration time on the crown, that is, you can accumulate time little by little and finally take the castle with the last push.

When you stop the reg, 2 seconds are removed from the accumulated time.

When the GMa of the attacking guild is outside the throne room, 0.1 sec of reg is removed for every second.

This system was made so that all guilds had a chance to take the castle, and there was not always one guild among the owners of the castle.

I wish everyone good luck during the siege, and remind you that the new Shop stage on the site will be today after the siege! 

EVENTS 13.06

13 / 06 / 2024


Good evening everyone, today we will hold several events (hide and seek, search for objects, small drop) - 19:30 server time!

Currently this is only one server.